École d’ingénierie mécanique et numérique

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10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, China

08 03 12

Emin BayraktarProfesseur des universités à Supmécavous convie au prochain 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing il sera membre du International Advisory CommitteeCe colloque se tiendra du 14 au 17 juin 2012 à JInan en Chine.

Chairman of organising and advisory committees, Prof. Jun Wang, University of New South Wales, Australia; Invite you to attend to APCMP 2012 – The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing

It will be held in Jinan, China, 14-17 June 2012, hosted by Shandong University, China Please find detail of the conference in website: http://apcmp2012.sdu.edu.cn/

Areas of Interest
Papers are sought in, but not limited to, the following areas:
– Materials joining processes
– Micro- and nano-fabrication science and technologies, including nano-structuring and nano-patterning
– Material forming processes, including sheet metal forming, bulk forming, powder forming, and casting
– Material subtractive processes, including cutting, grinding, lapping, polishing, ECM, EDM, and other material removal processes
– Material additive processes, including rapid prototyping, surface coating, thin film etc.
– Computer-aided design, manufacturing, and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) related to materials processing
– Analytical and numerical methods related to materials processing
– Advanced materials (such as composites, polymers, Semiconductors, micro-electronic materials, and bio-materials) processing

Please, do not be indecisive to contact Emin Bayraktar if you need more information about this conference (http://apcmp2012.sdu.edu.cn/)